Yiftee’s goal is to boost revenue to local businesses and keep dollars local. However, in the process, we also help communities keep on track when they need it most.
Clackamas County: Ice Removal
Yiftee Gift cards are a great way to help your community get back on their feet in moments of crisis. When ice storms threatened the citizens of Clackamas County, Yiftee stepped in to help. Citizens without access to ice removal services were given a $30 eGift Card to spend at local landscaping and yard cleaning removal firms.
All parties benefited; the citizens of Clackamas County were given the opportunity to clear their homes of ice and debris and local businesses brought in additional revenue. Because citizens independently chose their company, the local landscaping companies of Clackamas County were incentivized to help their citizens as much as possible. Through Yiftee, Clackamas County was able to recover from a devastating ice storm and return to life as normal.

Zelienople County: Helping Small Businesses Get Through COVID-19
Small counties, like Zelienople, PA, were devastated by COVID-19. As residents lost jobs, the fear of not being able to afford necessities like groceries became a reality for many households.
Yiftee stepped in to help. Zelienople County, partnered with Yiftee, gave residents $125,000 worth of $50 eGift Cards. These cards could be redeemed by residents at local businesses such as grocery stores, coffee shops, and wellness centers. This was a win-win for Zelienople; everyday people were given the opportunity to buy necessities while local businesses received a much needed economic stimulus. At the end of the day, Yiftee helped Zelienople County survive the COVID-19 pandemic.